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Balalaika Prima  


Balalaika Prima w/ padded soft case


Balalaika Prima measures approximately 27 inches in length. The scale length is 430 mm. The body has the classical triangular shape. The back is slightly bowed and made with stave construction in two tones of rosewood. The darker back contrasts with the light colored wood of the soundboard.


The Balalaika strings are tuned above middle C to: A, E, E (1st-3rd).

The 1st string is the thinnest, and lays over more frets than the 2nd & 3rd strings. Use a piano or electronic tuner as a reference for tuning. To play, the left hand notes the strings while the index finger of the right hand strums high on the soundboard near the neck. The dark rosewood on the soundboard is decorative but also protects the soundboard from the strumming.


The Balalaika most likely evolved from the Oriental dombra, which is still played in present-day Kazakhstan.  Knowledge of the dombra most likely spread to Russia by Mongol trade and conquest. After undergoing

structural changes, the Balalaika was embraced by Russians. It is said that the Balalaika embodies the Russian peoples character, with its ability to switch from happiness to sadness with ease.  It was common for the peasant ballads, composed for the Balalaika, to irreverently poke fun at the authority of the times. For this reason there were times when the Balalaika was banned by both the Orthodox Church and the State. The instrument enjoyed its greatest folk popularity in the early 18th century.


In the later 19th century the instrument underwent a number of changes, including the adoption of the classic

triangular shape. Reportedly, in the late 19th century, Vassily Vassilievich Andreyev, was responsible for the transition from a folk instrument to a concert instrument. Andreyevs chamber ensemble, renamed The Great Russian Imperial Balalaika Orchestra, introduced the instrument to cultures outside of Russia.  The Instrument was also carried by the common people when they fled Russia at times of war.



SPECIAL NOTE; No Warranty on Strings:

Manufacturers recommend that you change the strings on your instrument as soon as you receive it. Your instrument has completed a long journey before it ever begins the final leg to your home. During this time the elements affect the strings and may shorten their lifespan. It occasionally happens that a string will fail during that final leg of the journey. Therefore, it is recommended that you purchase a replacement set of strings and consider changing your strings soon after it arrives. If you are a student you may want to change your strings every 3-4 months. If you are a rock star you may need to change your strings every week. If you store your instrument, you should consider changing the strings when you pick it up again.


List Price  $259.95

Your Price  $199.00

Balalaika Prima w/ padded soft case

$ 199.00



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